Babywearing is a healthy, natural, and fun way to bond with your baby. They get to go along on adventures and you get to cuddle up with them and enjoy the closeness. And the best news? You can start using a baby carrier right away! There are baby carrier options suited for all ages, from newborns to toddlers.

Your child’s age and developmental milestones will determine what baby carrier you should purchase. Like mentioned, there are carriers that are designed for babies 0-4 months old and up. Let’s look at some different types of baby carriers for each baby stage.

0-4 Months Old

When carrying your newborn or small baby, neck support is crucial. You will also want to be conscious of your baby’s hip support. We recommend that your baby be carried in an “m-position”, meaning that their knees are slightly above their bottom, creating a slight “M”. This will also help ensure that they have proper curvature of their back

At this age, you should either use a newborn insert in your carrier, or a newborn-specific carrier. Our Upscale carrier provides everything you need to carry your newborn throughout this stage and beyond with adjustable carrying positions.

4-7 Months Old

Once your baby can hold their head up on their own, it may be time to adjust their carrier. If you have an adjustable carrier, try widening the base to provide your growing baby with enough room to be comfortable.

For younger babies, the facing-in position may be best, but as your baby gains more head and neck control, you can switch them to facing out. Many baby carriers, like those offered at Infantino, are convertible and can be used for both carrying positions. Facing out allows your baby to enjoy the world around them and learn through their developing senses!

Our Flip carrier is one of our most popular because it can easily be transformed from a facing-in carrier to a front-facing carrier, which means that you can use it from infancy to toddler years.

8-12 Months Old

When your baby has strong head and neck control, it might be time for a front-facing carrier or back carrier! This way, the older baby can enjoy both physical contact and observation of their surroundings. Babywearing, especially on adventures like walks and hiking, provides babies and toddlers an eye into the world and is a huge learning opportunity.

12+ Months Old

Once your baby is about a year old, or over 22 pounds, a back carry will likely be most comfortable for both you and your baby. While you might have super mom strength, carrying a baby this big can be hard!

To alleviate some of the pressure on your back and shoulders, a carrier with a back position might be best. They are also ideal for babies and children who want to interact with their surroundings a little more. Carrying baby on your back gives them more freedom to look around because they aren’t as restrained, like with a facing-in carry. But rest assured, back carriers are still safe and secure!

Please note that all of these ages are approximate and choosing the right baby carrier will depend on the size of your baby, their development, and your babywearing preferences. Infantino can always help if you have further questions.

Many parents ask themselves “when can you start using a baby carrier?” and the answer is as soon as you feel comfortable, granted you have the correct fitting carrier! When considering a carrier for a newborn, below are our favorites:

  • Wraps - Wraps are great for newborns because of their versatility and flexibility. Wraps are made out of soft fabric that is comfortable for newborns and can be positioned in a variety of setups. Our wrap-style carrier Together is popular among parents who enjoy the comfort of wraps.
  • Mei Tai Carriers - The Mei Tai carrier is based on a centuries-old style of baby wearing and is similar to a wrap, except that it has four straps to make it easier to put on and adjust. Our Sash carrier is a classic example of this age-old favorite
  • Front Structured Carriers - The front structured carrier is perfect for newborns because it provides the head and neck support they need. Because there are many different versions of front structured carriers, you want to make sure you get one that is specifically suited for newborns or has the additions necessary to fit small babies. Our Flip Advanced carrier is one example.

Babywearing, no matter if you have a newborn or a 2-year-old, is a wonderful way to get out of the house, bond with your baby, and get some exercise! The team at Infantino can help you find the right carrier to suit all stages of your baby’s life.