As Summer winds down and the kids head back to school, we reminisce about the sunny days spent outdoors. Transitions can leave us feeling vulnerable and craving for familiarity. Whether you have a child in school, or just need a routine to get you through the days ahead, a daily routine for your baby can help ground you during this transition. We created a baby-centered daily routine that is best suited for babies & toddlers, 6M+. This routine will keep your little one playing and learning from the moment they rise to the time they snooze.

When your baby wakes up, change their diaper and clothes. We recommend that you use a hanging closet organizer to sort your baby’s daily outfits for the week. This will save you time in the morning from looking for matching outfits. Instead, gather all your baby’s outfits for the week on Sunday night and sort them in your closet organizer so you can easily reach for an outfit each day. Don’t forget to add an extra pair of clothes for those unexpected accidents. If your baby is breastfeeding or bottle drinking, then this would be a great time to get their first feeding in for the day.
Otherwise, place your baby in an engaging play gym, so, they can get to their morning “reps” of reaching and grabbing for toys (fine motor skills) or leg kicks and ball tosses (gross motor skills) while you prepare breakfast and get ready for the day nearby with baby in sight. After breakfast head to school to drop off big sister or brother.
If you don’t have an older child, then go straight to snack time. The Infantino Snack & Play Lil’ Foodie Wobble Tray is great for dispensing snacks. This rotating snack tray suctions to most flat surfaces like a highchair tray table or the top of a dining table. You can also use the three snack dividers to introduce a variety of flavors to your baby. Your baby will stay busy spinning the rotating center and the colorful spinning beads while snacking on yummy treats.
First Play Block: STEAM & Sensory Play
The Infantino Press & Stay Sensory Blocks are great for STEAM Play. Your little “engineer” can build their own fort, tower, bridge or even a robot with these easy to connect blocks. Simply push them together and pull them apart from any angle. This simple-to-use design eliminates frustration and encourages imagination, while supporting your child’s diverse exploration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math skills as they build with this open-ended block set.
Sensory Play sparks creativity and curiosity in babies. Because we know that Sensory Play is super fun, but could also be messy and time-consuming, we have timesaving, mess-free and messy suggestions to fit your preference. If you prefer mess-free sensory play, then the Infantino Giant Water & Rattle Pat Mat and Seek & Squish Sensory Pal are the perfect hassle-free options for you. Your little one’s eyes will light up when they see an array of mesmerizing floating visuals that disperse with the touch of your baby’s pat. If you’re in the mood for all hands-on sensory play, simply fill up the water table and toss in our parent-favorite, Infantino Balls, Blocks & Cups for splashy sensory play that will delight your baby’s tactile senses through water play.

After this first block of playtime, lay your tired baby down for a nap. You can take a nap too or whatever suits your needs during this time. When your baby wakes up hungry, sit them in their highchair or booster and hand them the Infantino Dip & Taste Teethers so, they can explore flavorful purees while you whip up a quick lunch.
After lunch, go outside for a stroll with your baby. Spending time outdoors is great for mental and physical health and gives your baby an opportunity to explore the world around them. Plus, we could all benefit from some Vitamin D.
Now that you and your baby have gotten some fresh air, offer your baby a second snack if needed and then head into the second block of play focused on Cognitive Play and Music Play.
Second Play Block: Cognitive & Music Play
The Infantino My 1st Sensory & Shapes Puzzle Set supports Cognitive Play. Your baby will learn problem-solving skills as they match the giant baby-friendly puzzle pieces by shapes, colors, or patterns. These activities will boost your baby’s hand-eye coordination and memory skills. Afterwards, let your baby get their wiggles out by mixing up fun beats with the Infantino Spin & Slide DJ Panda. Music Play is great for encouraging movement and boosting moods. So let your little “DJ” mix up some beats and boogie down.

If you have an older child, it’s probably time to pick them up from school by now. If not, transition to dinner. Suction the Infantino Stick & See Spinwheel to your baby’s highchair tray table to keep them entertained while you put the finishing touches on dinner. Wash baby up after dinner with a nice bath and toss in the Infantino Splish & Splash Bath Play Set for a variety of wonderous water activities such as “fishing” for sea friends and splashing with "waterfalls” flowing out of perforated water cups.
Third Play Block: Language Play & Story Time
Settle into bedtime with Language Play using the Infantino Flip & Peek Fun Phone that says three phrases in two languages including English and Spanish. Your baby can repeat the phrases and practice their speaking skills while pretending to have conversation on their “phone.” Continue your baby’s language skills with a bedtime story. Reading to your baby every night helps develop their vocabulary, even if they can’t talk just yet.
Snooze & Recharge: Sleep
If your baby needs a little extra help snoozing off to sleep, the Infantino 3-in-1 Musical Soother & Nightlight Projector plays calming melodies and creates a spectacular layered light projection. Add this soothing nightlight to your baby’s bedtime routine to create a relaxing vibe with the flip of a switch.
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As the scent of pumpkin spice emerges and the highways grow a little more crowded, we hope these ideas will help you transition back to school with your family. That is why we are including a free downloadable schedule so your transition is as seamless as possible. If you would like to customize and create your baby’s daily routine, here is our blank schedule to fill in.
Let us know how back-to-school goes for you and your family by tagging us in your photos @infantinobaby. We just may feature your baby on our social media channels!
Stay tuned all month for more play ideas centered around our September, educational theme (Play to Learn) that sparks learning through play.